2nd General Assembly and External Advisory Board meeting is scheduled on 27th of September in Graz
One year of intense work for HyMethShip has passed and the development of the technical components is well under way. The activities and achievements of all work packages will be presented at the meeting and discussed with the external experts.
The construction of the reformer pre-prototype has been started which will deliver the basis for the dimensioning of the full-scale demonstrator. The demonstrator is the main delivery of the project. It consists of a multi-cylinder engine fueled by hydrogen from a membrane reformer and a carbon capture system. The demonstrator will be set up in Graz, at the site of TU Graz respectively LEC.
In parallel to the technical work packages also the social and environmental assessment has proceeded. The benchmark for the assessment was agreed to be a trip of a RoPax-vessel with a gross-tonnage around 50.000, sailing from Gothenburg to Kiel.
The External Experts Advisory Board will give its advice to the advancement of the project and to forthcoming dissemination possibilities.