Meet HyMethShip at the Modernization of Danube Vessels Fleet Event
The event revolves around the central question: „What is necessary to modernize the Danube vessels fleet to best face environmental and climate challenges? In this context, the innovative HyMethShip concept for emission reduction was presented to the audience.
To address the greening and modernisation challenges of inland vessels operators from the Danube region, almost 80 experts from whole Europe met in Vienna on 7-8 March 2019 at the Tech Gate Vienna.

Inland shipping is facing enormous challenges with regard to the further optimisation of energy efficiency, environmental and climate protection. Greenhouse Gas Emissions is a very hot topic on the sustainability agenda for the shipping sector and the environmental impact reduction targets set by the Non-Road Mobile Machinery Directive are paving the way for the deployment of innovative technical solutions that will allow vessel operators to comply with this new scenario. In this context, the innovative HyMethShip concept was presented to the audience.
The programme focused on the following topics:
- Inland vessel modernization projects & initiatives
- Future-oriented & innovative solutions for inland waterway transport sector
- Industry show-cases and projects
- Propulsion systems and solutions for inland waterway transport sector
Date: Thursday 7 March 2019, 13:00 – 17:00 and Friday 8 March 2019, 9:00 – 14:00
Venue: Tech Gate Vienna (The Sky Stage), Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Vienna Austria
The event brought together the inland vessel operators from the Danube region with technology and innovation experts as well as technology suppliers to discuss promising options to address environmental challenges. It was organized by the Interreg Danube transnational cooperation project GRENDEL “Green and efficient Danube fleet” in cooperation with the INDanube Innovation Transfer Centre.
More information and short report about the event: https://indanube.eu/events/know-how-transfer-event-on-modernisation-of-danube-fleet