Hydrogen and Ammonia as shipping fuels of the future
HyMethShip was among the case studies of this major conference.
World Hydrogen & Ammonia Shipping Forum 2020
As customers formalise their sustainability strategies, and governments and ports ramp up environmental regulations in line with 2050 targets, shipping stakeholders are forced to take the right decisions for a decarbonized zero-emission maritime economy of the future.
The Forum focussed on the economics, supply and technology issues specific to hydrogen and ammonia as maritime fuels and covering a broad range of vessel segments. The speakers were stakeholders from throughout the entire supply chain, including banks, government, regulators, energy companies, technology providers, ports and shipowners. HyMethShip was presented by Igor Sauperl (LEC) in the session “Picking the winning tech: storage and transportation options”, among another 8 innovative case studies.
The conference was a pure online event, organized by Green Power Global, however discussion was lively and HyMethShip aroused vivid interest.
Event details:
3rd to 4th of November 2020
Global Online Access
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