Get an update on the status and latest results
of HyMethShip at the 2nd LEC Sustainable
Shipping Forum
How will ships for long-haul freight and passenger transport be powered in 10 years‘ time? HyMethShip is one of the concepts that are featured in Session 3 („Advanced propulsion & fuels“) of the 2nd LSSTF on Wednesday, April 28. The session is starting at 9:00 (CEST).
Martin Borgh (SSPA) is the leader of HyMethShip workpackage 9 on system integration. He will give an overview of the HyMethShip-project and the results achieved so far. Specifically, he will present the design study and the integration of the HyMethShip energy system in the case study vessel – a RoPax on the route between Gothenburg and Kiel.
Nicole Wermuth (LEC) will moderate this session that in addition will present the FASTWATER-project (methanol propulsion and retrofitting), the ShipFC-project (Ammonia FC as sole energy supply) and the NAUTILUS-project (LNG powered ICE, hybridized with SOFC-FC and battery).
Date of the 2nd LSSTF: Tuesday, 27th of April to Wednesday,
28th of April, 2021
Registered participants receive a link to the live stream of the event.
Stay tuned with the newsletter: https://www.shippingforum.at/contact/

Nicole Wermuth, Area Manager at LEC and member of the HyMethShip-team
„Driven by the emission targets set by the IMO, many new propulsion systems are currently being contrived and tested. There is no clear winner yet and research activities abound, especially in the field of alternative fuels”