Aviso: Blue Week 2021, Zero Emission Seminar,
1 June 2021
The second day of this year’s Blue Week is all about technologies that enable zero-emission shipping. Sharing experiences is particularly important in these times, as the course for a sustainable future of the sector will be set in the coming next years.
The seminar is divided into 4 sessions which are titled:
1. Integrated Ships Solutions (Session 1)
2. Power & Energy Systems (Session 2)
3. Fuel Production & Supply (Session 3)
4. Rules & Regulations (Session 4)
HyMethShip will join as one of 3 projects in session 2. Nicole Wermuth (LEC) will present first experiences with the construction of the methanol reformer and with connecting it to the engine. The findings from the case study ship are also already available and will be addressed in her speech.
Don`t miss it!
Event details:
Website: https://blueforum.org/
Date: Blue Week, 31 May –
4 June, 2021
Location: online