Hymethship was the first presentation given at the CIMAC CASCADES, on 22th of September 2021 in Graz
CIMAC CASCADES is an international seminar for young engineers and advanced students. It offers them the opportunity to meet with leading industry experts to share information and network together. The participants shall be inspired and encouraged to pursue engineering careers. This year’s event consisted of nine short presentations by young engineers describing their projects, how they approached them, the difficulties they encountered and the results they achieved. It was framed by a keynote speech and a panel discussion with sponsoring company partners.
Presentations were dealing with the topic “On the Way towards Decarbonization – Green Fuels, Hybridization and Digitalization in Large Engine Applications”. The topic reflects the changing world of large engines and the approaches to creating a reliable combustion engine that has a very low environmental impact.
Under the title “Zero emission shipping – from vision to the HyMethShip technology demonstrator”, Marcel Lackner (LEC) presented the HyMethShip concept, the engine related research questions that had to be solved and the development of the HyMethShip demonstrator.
Additional highlights of the event were a job fair with presentations and exhibitions by companies active in the areas of engine design, engine manufacturing and engine component supplies and a laboratory tour of selected engine test benches from the Large Engines Competence Center (LEC) and the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics (IVT). The evening reception at Congress Graz after the seminar was very well received and certainly deepened many new friendships.

Date: September 22, 2021
Venue: Graz University of Technology Campus – Large Engines Competence Center
„In the course of the HyMethShip-project a new multi-cylinder test bed equipped with an INNIO Jenbacher J612 engine has been built at LEC.
To enable the operation of this engine with hydrogen of the reformer several modifications had to be developed and tested.
Simply replacing the engine’s conventional fuel with hydrogen would not work.“
Marcel Lackner (LEC)

In the LEC lab tour the HyMethShip Demonstrator with its 2 MW INNIO Engine was featured.