Hydrogen-based innovation could help shipping go green
While demand for global shipping increases, the sector is under huge pressure to cut emissions.
MoreInternational Young engine professionals got insight in HyMethShip
Hymethship was the first presentation given at the CIMAC CASCADES, an international seminar for young engineers and students.
MoreA rendez-vouz of experts for sustainable propulsion technologies in Graz
Hymethship was discussed at the symposium “Sustainable Mobility, Transport and Power Generation” on 23rd and 24th of September in Graz.
MoreHyMethShip at Blue Week 2021
Results from Hymethship were presented at the Zero Emission Seminar, 1 June, of the Blue Week 2021
MoreAviso: Blue Week 2021
Results from Hymethship will be presented at the Zero Emission Seminar, 1 June.
MoreGet an update on HyMethShip at the 2nd LSSTF
HyMethShip is among the projects presented at the online conference on Wednesday, April 28
MoreRegister for the 2nd LSSTF
The 2nd LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum will be held from April 27th to 28th, 2021
MoreEnsuring the safe operation of a “HyMethShip”
The complete system was thoroughly checked in a 3 days team workshop.
MoreHydrogen and Ammonia as shipping fuels of the future
HyMethShip was among the case studies of this major conference.
MoreRostock Large Engine Symposium 2020
Large ship engines were in the focus of this conference.
MoreHow safe is HyMethShip?
Right from the beginning, the safety of the HyMethShip propulsion system was put on the test bench, too.
More1st Review meeting successfully completed
HyMethShip mastered its first EU midterm evaluation and is well under way
MoreAviso: Blue Week 2020
Take the chance and let us bring you up to date on the latest status of our project HyMethShip.
More2nd General Assembly meeting in Graz
HyMethShip Consortium and the External Advisory Board met for the first year project’s progress review in September.
MoreAviso: The Motorship Propulsion and Future Fuels Conference
Across two conference streams the event will focus on practical and technical developments in the fields of propulsion technologies and alternative fuels.
MoreAviso: 17th FAD-Conference – „The Challenge – Exhaust Aftertreatment“
Future mobility should be CO2-neutral and sustainable , but also available and suitable for daily use.
MoreSave the Date! International Symposium in Graz
A comprehensive program with the pioneers and visionaries of the global Mobility, Transport and Power Generation ecosystem will focus on sustainable solutions in these fields.
MoreHyMethShip at CIMAC World Congress
The international Congress brought together more than 800 representatives from engine and component manufacturers, engineers, researchers, ship-owners, ship-operators and regulators.
MoreInternational Green Shipping and Technology Summit
HyMethShip was awarded „The most innovative Green Strategy” at the conference.
MoreAt CIMAC World Congress engine professionals meet
Every three years CIMAC, the Association of the Internal Combustion Machinery Industry, organizes this major event.
MoreSwedish Engine-Professionals invited HyMethShip
HyMethShip was the highlight of the Swedish CIMAC-Seminar in Chalmers.
MoreAviso: International Green Shipping and Technology Summit
GST Summit 2019 – International Green Shipping and Technology Summit – Where Technology Meets Industry
MoreGreen Ship Technology Europe Conference in Copenhagen
A new dawn for sustainable shipping at the GST Europe conference from March 20-21th, 2019. Also on board: HyMethShip
MoreModernization of Danube Vessels Fleet Event in Vienna
The event was focusing on the key question of how best tackling environmental and climate challenges.
MoreTaking sustainability into account
Inspiring first workshop on environmental impact and cost assessment of the HyMethShip concept in Southampton
MoreInspiring HAZID-Workshop in Southampton
This intensive exchange with all partners was an important step to set the right course for the project implementation at an early stage.
MoreHooray! PR Award for HyMethShip
We have been awarded as finalist at PR-Panther, which distinguishes outstanding public relations.
MoreMeet HyMethShip in Belgrad
The HyMethship concept will be presented at the Danube Shipping and Tourism Conference in Belgrad on December 5, 2018
MoreWorkplan Overview
HyMethShip project activities are structured in eleven Work Packages (WPs) each of them divided into specific tasks, covering research and technological development, project management, dissemination and exploitation activities.
MoreHyMethShip is nominated for the PR Panther
HyMethShip has been nominated for the Styrian PR Panther, which distinguishes outstanding public relations.
MoreInspiring HAZID-Workshop
The workshop will screen the development, deployment, and operation of HyMethShip technology, and will identify dangers as compared to similar technology related claims and associated risks.
In the workshop it will be determined which life cycle phases will be recorded, where the system boundaries will be drawn and which technologies will be used as a benchmark.
MoreGeneral Assembly
Members of the General Assembly and the External Expert Advisory Board will attend the meeting in London on December 13, 2018.
MoreMerry Christmas to you all!
HyMethShip wishes You all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy – emission-reduced – New Year 2019!
MoreAviso: 2nd General Assembly meeting in Graz
The Project-partners and the External Advisory Board will hold their next meeting on 27th of September. The project’s progress of the first year will be reviewed.
MoreHyMethShip Kick-off
On July 4-5, the kick-off meeting took place in Graz with all partners of the HyMethShip project. This is where the course for a successful project execution was set.
MoreOECD Study
Shipping already accounts for roughly 80 percent of the kilometers required for freight transportation and leisure cruises are also increasing in popularity. According to the UN, ships are amongst the most important CO2 emitters. The Emma Mærsk, one of the largest container ships worldwide, produces as much CO2 on her yearly journeys from China to Europe as a mid-sized coal-fired power plant. 90 percent of ships are still fueled by heavy fuel oils, whose high sulfur content leads to very high SO2 emissions. All this confirms that urgent action needs to be taken.
MoreHyMethShip Press Conference
On June 13 the HyMethShip project was presented at a press conference in Graz, Austria, which was met with a lot of interest from the media.
MoreAVISO: Kick off Meeting
On the 4th and 5th of July the kick-off meeting will take place in Graz with all participants in the project. Here, the course is set for a successful project.
MoreEU Project Approval
In April of this year, the time had come: the HyMethShip Grand Agreement was officially signed. We are looking forward to implementing this project and achieving its very challenging objectives.